Thursday, June 23, 2011

Avery - 10 Months


Today Avery is 10 months old! As I am typing this she is not having a very good day. So this will be quick.


Baby girl is crawling all over the place. I put her down and before I know it she is off. She has gotten very fast with her awkward crawl.

Avery has also gotten better at playing by herself. Hopefully she is realizing she doesn't need mommy by her side all of the time. It's cute to watch her play though. She loves to pull herself up to standing and I think is very proud of herself. She plays with just about everything, but I think the play kitchen may be her favorite. Clearly, she doesn't know what it's all about, but she likes it.



She is also waving all the time. Most of the time she shies away from strangers, but lately she has been waving at a few. And every time she sees daddy she waves. It is so cute!


Avery has also become very opinionated. She is determined more than ever before. And she is very persistent. We are already on our toes.


I haven't taken her usual monthly picture in the chair yet. I'm hoping to get to that tomorrow. But these were taken the other day and they were too cute not to share. I tried to get Cohen to join in, but he's at this stage where he would rather not have his picture taken. I didn't fight it.

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