Monday, May 23, 2011

Avery - 9 Months


It's hard to believe that in 3 shorts months Avery will be one year old. Time is getting away too fast! This monthly picture go around I had a hard time narrowing down my favorite photos. But I did. Although I could post tons more of this cutie.


Ahhh, nine months old. You can't just put her down and go about your business anymore. She is crawling everywhere and at a much faster pace. She is never where you left her. And she has gotten pretty good at finding me when she needs/wants me, which is still often. She also pulls herself up on everything and has even taken a few steps, but it's not very often.



She has begun to cut her top two teeth. I will be glad once they have completely broken through. Avery has also began to eat more big people food. Well, I should say I'm trying to get her to eat more big people food. She loves herself some cheerios. But won't eat the banana or apples. We are going to try some good veggies next and see what happens.


Avery I think is going to have one spitfire of a personality. She use to be good about it not bothering her if you took something from her, but lately she's shown otherwise. We just laugh though. It's really cute. It is so fun to see her personality continue to develop.

Happy 9 Months Avery Rose! We love you so much!

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