Friday, March 16, 2012

Gardening - Week 1 and 2

Week 1

Here is our garden just after one week! Let's first say I am really excited about finally starting this. Our dream one day, when we move to our dream home, is to be able to do this to be self sustainable and to also provide for our family and others. Anyways, here goes...

This is our strawberry plant. The first week I think it had about 5 little strawberries or flowers. Two small ones died off, but that's okay.


Our pepper plant is below. I'm guessing those little buds will one day become peppers!


Our tomato plant is starting to get some flowers!


Okay, so I'm not sure exactly how the lettuce is going to grow. You can tell a little by the picture below. I did leave these as is to see what they would turn into.


This is either more lettuce or spinach. I forget.


Basil is on the left. And there are carrots coming in on the right!


And these are our bush beans! Two have just started to come through and it was so excited to see that we could grow things! And not just things, food!


Cohen was super excited to see them grow. He has been such a great helper, first by wanting to plant the seeds, then water, and now tend to them. It is so fun to watch him, especially since I wasn't sure if he would be at all interested in it. I'm so glad he is and I can wait for things to really start growing and seeing how his face lights up. Just about every morning he says he things our "such and such" 'growed'. So, precious!


Week 2

Now onto week two. We have see a lot of progress in just a short time.

Below is the spinach. I don't things that all the seeds we planted are going to grow, but even if I just get a little it'll all be worth it. Then come fall, I know I will want to plant a lot more of it.


On the left is our lettuce! I'm glad I didn't pick at anything last week. Because now I can tell that it is going to be lettuce. And on the right are the carrots. I had to thin one of them out. I think we will just get a few, but still it's our first garden and it's all new and exciting.


Left is the basil, that I need to not water so much. And on the right is one of the pepper plants. They are both pretty much the same.


On the left are our Bush Beans. About 5 have sprouted and I checked again this morning and we have one more coming up! On the right is the tomato plant and we have about 3 flowers so far.


Well, that is our garden so far. It is so much fun. I find myself just sitting out there watching everything and it is so relaxing and rewarding. It's definitely something I find I have a passion for.

I'm going to try and do weekly updates. As long as their are changes going on.
Oh, and I forgot about the strawberry plant, but it has about 7 little strawberries on it!

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